

Mayibuye Film Festival Movies

Director: Tonie vd Merwe

Writers: No Writers

Cast: Hector Mathanda, Kay Magubane, Ngebo Zungo, Popo Gumede

Running Time:

Country Origin: South Africa

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A young Game Ranger lives with his wife and son a large game farm bordering a neighbouring country. Early one morning, only a few kilometres away, a gang of army deserters cross the border to loot, steal and poach whatever they can find. As the Ranger bids his family farewell and heads out on patrol, his
son leaves for school. While on his way, the young boy has a run-in with one of the deserters. He manages to escape, or so he thinks, and flees back home. The boy informs his mother of the events, and together they try to reach the Ranger via radio. But the deserters have followed the boy home. Mother and son are kidnapped and the gang of deserters head back across the border. The father, calling in his Assistant Ranger, tracks the gang through the treacherous landscape back to their hidden base. The odds are stacked against him, but it is here that he launches a desperate attack on the hideout in an effort to defeat the gang and rescue his wife and son.

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